Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meet Lucy Lou...

Meet Lucy… she is 140 Lbs of sweet dog that we love to hate HAHA.  It all started back in December of 2006 and when my wonderful husband to be got a this obsession with getting a St Bernard.  He even went as far as to buying all these books about them, and I was impressed because he had really done his research.  So, he started searching on line, and we found a breeder up in Everett (found out later that was not a legit breeder) and they sent pictures, and I completely fell in love.  Have you ever seen Beethoven?  St Bernard puppies are absolutely ADORABLE, and great family dogs.  So, we drove up to Everett, picked out our puppy and then the real work began. 
7 weeks old
St Bernard’s are wonderful dogs, but I think that mine is inbred!  She reminds me of the goofy hyena on Lion King… anyways, she has always been “high energy” but for a St Bernard, who is supposed to be a wise and proud dog, she is completely opposite.  She Barks at her own shadow, and sounds like she is going to kill you if you knock on the front door.  She drinks out of the toilet when she has a full bowl of water, sleeps on my bed when I am not home (Kyle’s side HAHA), steals Blake’s hockey pucks and balls, and she has even gotten her head stuck in the fence.  But she has some amazingly wonderful qualities too… she would never hurt us, she lays in front of Blake’s door when he is napping, sleeps next to my side of the bed, and lets Blake roll all over her.  When Otto passed away in October, she went and laid where we buried him in the corner of the yard, and whined and would not leave him until I went and got her;  she is full of heart, and she felt that loss.  Lucy may have some qualities that aren’t very attractive, like the 2 sheding cycles every year, or the fact that she will almost knock you over with her butt if you are a visitor in my house because she is trying to get you to pet her, but she is still a sweet heart.  She loves our family unconditionally, and she would always protest us.  The funny thing is that Kyle HAD to have this dog, and I was the one that was a little apprehensive, but she is one of the best things about my life, and I wouldn't trade her for anything.  She's my girl!

Otto and Lucy... Best friends always

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet about when Otto passed! It is so amazing the difference dogs can make in our lives..Love the post Jesica!
