Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We're Going To The Zoo Zoo Zoo...

Blake had a field trip the Point Defiance Zoo with his preschool class and we had so much fun!  I took both myself...without a stroller, and I am so proud of all of us.  The boys did great... they listened and stayed together, and Blake had so much fun running around with his friends, and I had a lot of fun talking to their Mamas :)  I don't get to see most of them because they work, and don't drop off and pick up their kiddos, so it was fun to see who all the little ones belonged to, and we even have some play dates in the works!  It's always a plus when you like the moms of the kids  your kiddos are friends with. 

I don't remember my mom coming to any of my fieldtrips, she will correct me if I am wrong, but she always had to work or she had my brother, so I don't think that she was ever really able to attend, so it is really fun for me to be part of all this.  I soaked it all in, and it was a really good day!  We stopped at Starbucks (chocolate milk) on the way there, had a blast at the zoo, and got ice cream on the way home.  I should have asked someone to take our picture there... didn't even think of it, but here are some of the boys...




We made lots of fun memories today, and I cant wait to get out and about and make more!! 
Rain or shine :)

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