Friday, July 10, 2015

The 3rd Time Around

Well, this pregnancy has been quite a bit different from my last two.  The biggest blessing is that I don't have to get up at 4:30 to get ready for a desk job where I sit there all day and then sit in traffic on the way home.  I have been much more active and healthy this time around, but I think the biggest thing is that I can keep moving instead of my locked into a desk and I think it has made all the difference in how I feel and maintaining a healthy weight

Photo courtesy of Blake :)  My little photographer!!  19 weeks!!

Oh, I have cravings... mostly sweet things, but the other night I did have a bowl of ice cream and then I dipped my salty potato chips in it and it was heaven!  I love sugary cereal like frosted flakes, coco puffs and ...oh, I love me some fruity pebbles! YUMMM...I want some Fruity Pebbles right now, can someone go pick some up for me please?  They should really start to sell those at Costco in 5 gallon buckets!  I think that I'm gonna contact Post Foods and make that happen!

Emotions... like I have any control of those HAHA!  Oh, I can cry at the drop of a hat, I mean, I could probably watch Jerry Springer and find a reason to start crying.  Oh, and I like to watch Ellen most days, and that show is an emotional roller coaster, let me tell you what!  I laugh and cry and laugh and cry more... there needs to be a disclaimer before that show! My kids think that I'm going wacko because they bring me a picture that they drew and my eyes well up and I lose it telling them how thoughtful they are... holy cow, its pathetic! 

Preparing... yeah, not worried about getting things "ready" at all!!  Seriously, I know by now that all I need are diapers, onsies and my boobies when the baby is born... not too worried about having things set up or a nursery in place.  Maybe that will change when we find out the gender... NEXT WEEK at my 20 week apt :)

The biggest thing that I have learned this time is that I need to pay a little bit more attention to myself then I am used to.  At my last dr appointment, I was basically yelled at because apparently you can tell by your blood pressure weather or not you are dehydrated... apparently I was right on the cusp of needing an IV... I begged her not to send me over to the hospital, and I promised that I would suck down some water... well, I didn't mean to lie, but when we were at Friday Harbor  a couple weeks later, and all the heat and all the walking around and then waiting in the damn hot sun for the ferry, I about passed out.  I barely made it up the stairs on the boat and I stumbled into the bathroom because I thought I was going to puke.  I sat down on the toilet just to catch my breath and then splashed some water on my face... whoops!!  needless to say, I now have a water bottle Nazi monitoring my H2O intake... It totally just got away from me, that's something that I could have handled before this little bun in the oven, but now, forget it!  Apparently, my emotions aren't the only thing out of whack!! 

We almost half way... 21 weeks or 140 days to go :)

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