This summer... I tell you, it was sure one to remember. Before I started writing this, I was having a hard time remembering if we did much that was "blog worthy" but after looking through all the pictures, you bet you butt it was! We had some amazing things happen this summer and it is definitely one that we wont forget!!
This summer, Josh was 1 1/2 which was easier, but also harder. He is Into absolutely everything... the things you think that he couldn't destroy, he will and nothing is safe with this little tornado around! We introduced him into eating raspberries off the vine this year. Side note- Every year I fight the kids to make sure that I can pick enough for jam because they usually beat me to it. This year, josh joined in, and if we were outside, and I happened to lose sight of him for a second, thats where he was... sitting in the middle of the rows, picking and eating, with his hands stained red. :)

We also lost a very important member of our family, Kyles grandma passed away this year and it has been really hard on the entire family. She was such a wonderful woman and had treated me like her own grand daughter ever since I first met her when I was in high school. Our family is strong, thanks mostly to her, and I know we will all stop hurting so much, but the ache in our hearts is something that im not sure will ever go away, but she leaves behind memories that also fill our hearts, so we are just learning how to live this life without her, but also live our lives in a way that honors her.

I finally have a SISTER (in-law) lol and the boys have their first official aunt!! Tyler and Liz got married this year and it was a day filled with love, devotion, laughs and dancing! We all had an amazing day, and Luke still says it was the best day of his life because he got to stay up all night dancing!! HAHA We were all in the wedding, and that just goes to show how close this family is... were all up in each others business... see what you married into Liz?!?!
It was HOT this summer... I mean, its still hot!! We had sprinklers, kiddie pools, water balloons, super soakers, and little naked babies running around all summer! We didnt go to any fancy pools or resorts, but we did play, and hard... my kids feet are still black from all the running around barefoot, and I love it!!
We snuck away for a week...just Kyle and I ... and let me tell you, this took months of planning. Monty, Tammy, Tyler, Liz and Ryan all tag teamed our 3 rowdy kiddos and dog while we were gone and we are so lucky! They hardly missed us, because they took them all camping and swimming! its easy to leave when you know they are in good hands.
We snuck off to Colorado to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss!! haha, and it was an experience that we will never forget. We stayed just outside on Vail, deep into the Rockies in a tent... not just any tent, here's the
Link to Collective Retreats. Ill have to go into more depth later, but it was perfect! we forgot what it was like to spend time like that with just each other, and with how busy we are raising these 3 kiddos, we kind of realized how important getting away was... maybe not always for a whole week every time, but their might be some weekend get aways in our future!

School started... Blake is in Second grade, I feel like he was just born, I remember every bit of it, and its hard to believe that hes about to be 8... ugh, I have to fight back the tears. Luke... my little Lukie is going into kindergarten. He is so excited and his eyes are full of wonder and his heart is excited. Kindergarten is such a special year, they grow so much, and with Blake it was hard for me to let Kindergarten go, because after this year, they are considered the big kids... oh, hold still, my heart cant take this! Thank goodness for Josh... I have few more years until hes in kindergarten, but nevertheless, its a milestone that shapes these boys, and we have the most amazing teacher that makes everlasting imprints on their hearts. This is going to be a crazy year, full of challenges, growth and achievements!
Group Hug!! |