Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Frumpy Housewife Vs. Domestic Engineer

I don't know if what I am going through is normal, or if I am experiencing something that is out of the ordinary, but however I categorize it, it's just a rut.  I feel frumpy, tired, hot, and I am tired of watching Little Bear and Bubble Guppies. I love talking to my kids, but am in desperate need of an adult convocation without being interrupted by the babes, and maybe something to do where I can actually do my hair and makeup... If I can actually find my makeup.  I feel like I have kind of become a bit of a hermit.  I do go out, but only to my parents or in laws, the park with the kids
and to the grocery store, but believe me... I don't dress up for that.  Yoga pants and a tee-shirt with my hair in a pony t ail has been my ensemble of choice.    I need to get out of this...find a reason, or even the time to work out, take the kids someplace new, or maybe plan  a date night with my husband??

I have realized that there isn't much difference between what I wear during the day and what I wear to bed... I don't watch soaps operas yet, but I can see that in my near future with Bon-bons if I don't get my butt in gear soon.   What am I doing to myself?  Why do I not have any desire to feel or act like a woman, but instead, a frumpy old housewife?  I need to find some balance between caring for my children (which I believe I do very well) and caring for myself (which I do very poorly).

A woman that I used to work with years ago told me something that has always stuck with me, but I obviously don't follow.  She said " you need to take care of yourself first, your husband second, and your children last because if you don't feel good about yourself, then you can't fully give yourself to your husband and that wont make a stable environment for your children"  I think that she got it from a book that she was reading, and I thought that she was nuts at the time... your children always come first right?  I am beginning to see what she was talking about.  My husband, bless his heart loves me no matter what, but I recognize that I need to start loving me more, and making more of an effort for me... somehow, with the little itty bitty time that I have :)  Otherwise, I am going to be sitting on the couch, watching days of our lives in my bathrobe and drinking a beer.

We all need to get out of the house, and do something new or things are going to get destroyed!  

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