we are so so so busy lately, and I love it!!! Busy in a good way, not busy doing things that I don't want to do or things that make life harder, lots of fun stuff is going on!! So, we got 5 new chickens and they were quarantined for 3 weeks and then introduced to my other girls. after about 2 days of gang fights between bloods vs. the Crypts, we found harmony. They are all friends and are starting to pump out the eggs! we are getting between 9-12 a day with 14 chickens in the winter... for those of you who don't know chicken stuff, that's amazing! They are such spoiled little girls! Oh, and Kyle and I set up this rainwater retentions system on the chicken coop! LOVE IT!! We put a gutter system in that flows to a repurposed barrel that my hubby outfitted with a spicket and an overflow. It makes taking care of the animals so much easier and I cant wait to use it in the garden this summer!

I have been cleaning out cabinates and garages... boxes and closets... giving things away and selling it. Trying to simplifly and redistribute our organization and I realized that I am organizing things that I haven't used in years...why? GET RID OF IT! I have really been cleaning house!
I am excited beyond excited... I have a new greenhouse... well new to me! TJ's parents have had this greenhouse for years and a while back, a tree fell on it and broke a few panels. They were so nice to give it to me, and Kyle is fixing it, and this year, I am going to have a greenhouse to grow so much more in!! I love being in my garden... its my favorite place in the entire world. Bare feet, digging in the dirt is my happy place :)
Oh, I do love this weather we are having! I find myself walking around the house and opening all the windows and doors! Then I realize that the house is like 60 degrees and everyone is freezing haha! Being out in the sun, even when its cold just makes us all so much happier! The other day I was just standing on the porch smiling... the smell of fresh cut grass and BBQ's is just what my soul needed... Can you tell that the grey was starting to get to me?? I know the rain is coming, so soaking up the sun while we can!
Fruit trees are budding! |
We got a couple loads of dirt and some more wood chips for my garden last week, took out 3 rhododendrons, a dying cedar tree, got some new doors on the greenhouse, mowed the yard and got out the patio furniture! I LOVE BEING OUTSIDE!! I just smile and grin, and laugh.... I am so happy for this weather!
My solution to my escape artist rabbit! Miss Daisy is now harnised and leashed! |
And.... Grandma and Grandpa Rogers had a new very large toy delivered that I cant seem to keep my boys off of! I'm not going to lie... I use it too ;)