It took us an hour to get from our house to Tacoma General in rush hour traffic, and it was the longest hour in my life since my contractions were every 2 min... we were both starting to worry that our baby was going to be born on the side of the HWY! We got to TG, and up to labor and delivery and I was dilated to a 5... but by the time they got me from the triage room to the birthing room, I was at a 7... oh Jesus!! Tammy and Ryan brought the kids up, Monty made it from work and my mom got there with about an hour to spare. My dad was in some crazy I5 traffic and made it just as our little guy was born.
The midwife kicked everyone out around 8:30 to check me, and I was at 9.5... but baby was stuck behind my pelvis since he kind of came down at an angle... so she asked me to push to see if I could get him past it, and there he came... 4 pushes, no epidural, and an amazing husband supporting me all the way! (ill give the epidural story later... the plan was to have one, but I did enjoy the Fentanyl ) my only request was that I wanted to do was reach down and pull him out, and after she got his head and shoulders out, I reached down and grabbed him under his arms and pulled him out of my body and to my chest... it was the absolutely the most magical thing I have ever experienced, and he was perfect. I held him on my chest as they cleaned him up, and we kissed him and spent about an hour with him before everyone else came to meet him. I had him nursing within 15 minutes and we have had complete success with nursing so far, so I am very thankful for that! My fill in midwife never left my side. She was very involved the entire time, and wasn't like a dr that just showed up at the end when its time to push. She was absolutely amazing and my experience was great... I don't know if I would ever choose a midwife over a obgyn because I like the whole "medical school" thing, but it worked out for me this time, and I'm glad to have had the experience :)
Joshua Kyle Rogers Born on December 9th at 8:55PM Weighing 8Lbs 9oz and 21in long |
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Yes, the nurse had teal hair! lol |
Kyle went and got the boys and they came in to see him... all I could do was cry. I was so proud of my family of 5... and they were so excited to meet him! Then the rest of our families came in and it was so much fun to see everyone's excitement over him.
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