Monday, December 7, 2015

40 Weeks And Counting

Well, this is it... he is almost here, and we couldn't be more excited/anxious/prepared/giddy/ to meet him.  It feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER, but I know its only been 9 months, and I feel really overdue.  My Doc said that everything looked like it was ready before Thanksgiving and predicted a baby over the holiday (a week and a half early) well, that didn't happen... she jinxed me!  Then she went on Vacation so I have been seeing other doctors in her practice.  I completely feel like I am in good hands, but I just don't like jumping around and meeting new docs and then getting an up-close look at my anatomy at our first meeting, but its been okay, not ideal, but okay.

I have had my membrane separated 3 times now, and last Friday, at my last apt, I was dilated to a 3.  We went home, and I started having some really intense contractions and I totally thought that it was time and that we were going to get to meet sweet babe!  Went in to the hospital, the contractions started to become irregular, and they said that I could stay and walk for a few hours or go home and get some rest because I would have been more comfortable getting a good nights sleep, and they thought my contractions would figure themselves out.  Well, we went home, and when I woke up in the morning, there was nothing.  Maybe a light one every few hours but nothing to get excited about, and now, I haven't had one since Sunday morning.  Believe me, I have done everything, and I am just tired of trying to "make" him come out at this point.  He is just not ready, and who am I to evict him before his time, and its so disappointing when things don't work, so I am not going to do it anymore.  I have an apt on Wednesday, and if he hasn't come out by then, we will schedule an induction date, but I really do not want that.  I hated being induced with Blake, it was a horrible experience, so I hope he decides to make an entrance into this crazy world before then.

I've been walking a lot, on the treadmill and also in stores :)  I swear, I have blown my budget for the next 6 months already by frequenting Target, Costco and Walmart WAY too often.  But right now, there isn't a lot for me to do since I am physically unable and I also don't like to go too far from home.   Especially if I don't have Kyle with me.  We did go up to the mountains to let the kids play in the snow, and I went and got a pedicure the other day.  Blake had hockey on Sunday and we went and watched the football game with Kyles family, so life is going on as usual, but I always have this sweet babes arrival in the back of my mind!  The kids spent Friday and Saturday night with Monty and Tammy because I have been so uncomfortable and I am so glad that the boys have had some distraction lately to keep them happy, but I am still really trying to stay busy to keep the days from dragging out.  I've purchased most of the Christmas gifts and as of today, they are all wrapped and under the tree.  Laundry is done, beds are washed, were all packed, bathrooms are clean and I just scrubbed the floors today (for like that 10th time).  I do still want to clean the carpets in the babies room and our room, but I don't really care one way or another if it gets done.  So, were just waiting on our little guy.  Realizing that I cannot do anything to speed up the process, I am just going to relax and be patient.  Easier said then done most days, but I'm trying.  I know that he will be here eventually :) But for now, I am still here... waiting... eating... getting bigger... more tired... and more excited every second!  Come on sweet boy, we all cant wait to love on you!!!

The kids cant wait to go back to the snow!!

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