Monday, February 17, 2014

One Lucky Girl

I have had a rough couple of months with some things on my side of the family.  My grandpa is still very sick and in the ICU, along with some other situations on my side of the family that I probably shouldn't discuss, but lets just say that there has been a lot going on.  Add on the fact that my children have been sick for the past 2...going on 3 months with bronchitis, ear infections and just nastiness coming out of them, and that might have tipped me past the overload mark, but everything is okay...why?...because I have an amazing family.

When everything started to roll downhill and I realized that when it rains, it pours, I had something amazing happen.  I have always known how much love we have from our two families.  From Aunts and uncles, to grandparents, siblings and even extended family, but I never thought that their kindness and generosity would be so strong, and that it would pick me up when I didn't even realize that I needed it.

I can pretend that I have it all together, and that I have a plan, but the fact of the matter is that I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants sometimes because things happen so quickly that you kind of have to.  I have people offering to watch my sick children so that I can go to the hospital, I have my husband staying home from work and rearranging his schedule to help me in as many ways as he can, and I have people calling and asking how I am doing and if there is anything that they can do, and offers to help me take the kids to their many doctors appointments.  We are family.  As long as I am as willing to give when they are in need (which I am) I should have no problem taking them up on their offers because family is there to help...whenever needed.

I am the strong one... the one that can do anything...the one that never falls...........YEAH RIGHT.  That might be the case in this fairy-tale land that I sometimes live in, and when I behave that way, that's usually when I need help the most.  It was hard for me to accept it...for me to actually say "can you help me" but I did, and in a time when everything feels so heavy and overwhelming, I have a family that has made my days a little more manageable.  They have held me when I have cried, gave me the pep-talks that I needed and have helped me problem solve my way through.

I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I am counting on March being WAY better then February, but I have been taught a lesson in all of this.  I have seen the depth of love that we have in our family.  I have seen the sacrifice and care that we must all have for each other and I have learned that I am not alone.  Sometimes having so many people try to help can, in itself, be overwhelming too, but it is far better then the alternative :)

I am blessed... beyond words.

Kyle's Grandparents, Ray and Kay, knew just what we needed today.  We are so lucky!!  I will call and tell them thank you just as soon as I find my phone!

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