Friday, November 2, 2012

Self Image - NEVER AGAIN

The other day, someone "taged" me on a picture, and let me say that it wasn't very pleasing.  I will be honest, I don't take very much time on myself.  I wear Black yoga pants and a sweatshirt most days, and a ponytail.  Up until now, I thought that I looked pretty put together... nothing like I used to, but I am a busy mom with not enough hands, and for what I have time to do; I thought I did a pretty good job.  Also, let me point out that I am about 40-50 Lbs over weight.  When Kyle and I met, I was a size 6-7 and weighed 120 soaking wet.  Now... (I cant believe I am going to do this, so please forgive me) I am a size 12 (sometimes a 14...okay, usually 14) and I weigh 190...not soaking wet :)  So, you can imagine the disgust when I see a nasty picture of my rear end that is so big it could have its own zip code plastered on my facebook page.  If that isn't enough to make a lifestyle change, and holy hell, I don't know what is.

I am happy in the 130-145 range.  I am no spring chicken, and I have had 2 children, and lets just say that I don't have one of those bodies that "bounces back"  But I would like to wear shorts next summer instead of Capri's and I want to take my kids swimming without worrying about my fat ass falling out the bottom of my suit...if it even covers it all the way ( after seeing that picture I am going to make sure I look at that back as well as the front)  I just need to be comfortable with myself, and right now, I am really far from that. 

Where to start now... not really sure.  I need to think about it and see what would be the best thing for me to take on.  I do definitely think that I need a treadmill... just have to fit that into the budget somewhere... Maybe if I spend less on food, then I can afford the treadmill HAHAHA 

But in all seriousness... I am going to do this.  I don't want to be unhappy with myself anymore, and I am not going to let how I feel about myself effect how I interact with my kids.  LETS DO THIS!!

This is "THAT" picture... NEVER AGAIN!!! 

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