Off to see my Papa! My dad has Thursdays off, so we thought that we would go over and cause a little trouble and hang out with my Dad before his 2:30 dentist appointment. We ate Popsicles, played with golf clubs and the kids pretended to ride on Grandpas motorcycles until we had to leave around 2 to go and pick up Ryan.
Kyles brother, Ryan goes to Bates inTacoma, and both Monty and Tammy were unable to get him from school, so they asked me, and of corse, no problem... While I was waiting for Ryan, I had a cop pull behind me and I thought oh crap... I knew I was parked in a loading zone, but that's what I was doing, I was " loading" Ryan haha he was nice and told me that I could stay but shouldn't do it again, and then you know your tabs are expired? $h!t, I thought to myself... Whoops... I told the cop that my husband usually takes care of those things, and we have been really busy, and that I was sooo sorry. He said that he wasn't going to document it or anything but that I needed to get it fixed " thank you officer". Phew...dodged a bullet... Then Right as rain, another one pulls up on a bike. Knocked on my window.... Got the same song and dance that I shouldn't park there and I explained that I had already talked to another officer and that he said that it was okay today... Then Kona saw him...oh yeah, I had the dog in the car, and when she started barking at the bike cop, the little ones awoke in a screaming fit! He felt sorry for me at that point and quickly reminded me that I needed to get new tabs and rode off... Are you kidding me! Two cops in 10 minutes? Must have been my lucky day right?
It gets better... As we started to drive to drop Ryan off, my car wouldn't work in drive, it's like it was in neutral... I got to a parking lot, and realized that I could drive it in D2 whatever that is... Just the little knob after the drive button. Talked to Kyle and he told me not to go over 30... So I putted along from tacoma to meridian in Puyallup with flashers on and cars whizzing past me. Then she just gave decided not to work in the middle of an intersection on Meridian during rush hour... BUT, she still worked in reverse :). So I reversed her into another parking lot...Napa parking lot of all places.
Kyle came and got Ryan and the dog, and my mom and Grandma came and got me and the kids. Oh, did I mention that our Truck was getting its breaks done then too, so we didn't even have the truck. Kyle drives a work truck too... THANK GOD... Otherwise he wouldn't have had a car to come and get anyone! Me and the kids went back to my parents and Kyle was getting to breaks done on our truck. Then my dad took the car dolly down to pick up my car which had its share of problems... My poor dad didn't get home until 10:30 last night and we didn't get home until 10...
My kids napped maybe half an hour, I didn't have any pajamas or clothes or diapers with me. I was exhausted and could hardly think and my poor dad had a hell of a time. I held it all together until I got home last night and then just everything was so overwhelming, that is started to cry and then I yelled at Kyle... Just out of exhaustion and because I was just emotional. Totally not fair to him. We all did our best yesterday and thanks to my parents and grandma, we got through it... If not for them, I Don't know what we would have done.
lessons learned: don't park in loading zones, don't let your tabs expire, I say "shit" way too much when I am stressed, because Blake kept telling me not to say bad words. I learned that I can figure things out if I need too and stay calm in crazy circumstances, just to have a melt down later at home... And I have an amazing family to help me when I needed them. Oh...and if you leave a dog in her crate too long, she will pee in it, and then step in it and then lay in it... Just the icing in the cake!
We have both come to the conclusion that we need to keep a bottle of Jack in the house!
