Monday, December 8, 2014


NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!  That's Luke's favorite word...

Luke, are you ready for breakfast - NO!
Luke, do you want to color - NO!
Luke, you need to pick up your dirty clothes - NO!
Luke, please let the dog out - NO!
Luke, we are going to Starbucks, do you want a chocolate milk or apple juice - NO!
Go get me your shoes because we need to take Blake to school - NO!
Lucas, get off that bike and get in the car - NO!
Luke, time for the shower - I DONT WANT TO!
Screaming fit at the grocery store because I didn't give him a balloon (he has never gotten one)
Mom, Lucas bit me!!  - drew blood on Blake (Blake kind of had it coming)
Then he'll do a 180...

"Mama, I love you"  Mama, can I have kisses?"  Mama, Your my best Mama ever"  Mama, your so cute"

This little boy is sure testing my patients lately, and its been hard not to just argue back and get in a yelling fight with a 2 year old... sounds pathetic, but there are so many times that I just want to yell right back at him, but I have seen how engaging in this battle just fuels his fire.  He spends a lot of time in timeout, and dealing with the consequences of his desire to say "no" all the time...

At the Starbucks drive-through and I ask him what he would like, and he yells "no" at me.  So, I ask Blake what he wants (an apple juice) so I got Blake his apple Juice and didn't get Luke anything.  I don't know if that was the right choice... maybe I should have asked him differently, or gave him another chance, but his yelling is something that I do not tolerate nor will I reward it.  Let the screaming fit begin!!  He bawled the whole way home, he tried to take Blake's juice, and then he refused to get out of the car.  So... I left him in there.  I could see him the entire time, and watched him just sit in there and cry... about 10 minutes went by, and he got out of the truck and came in... told me that he was sorry and asked if we could go back and get him a juice.  I told him no, but next time we go, and I ask you what you want there, you should use a nice voice and tell me what you want instead of yelling at me...then Blake shared his juice with Luke :)

Luke is such a sweet times, but the little darling can sure test me.  I know that he will learn eventually, but goodness gracious he can make my blood boil.  He is stubborn, defiant, bold, aggressive and confident... He also has a tender heart, a gentle touch and the sweetest smile.  how can all these characteristics be one boy?... Oh, yes... he is only 2 :) HAHA  Let the games begin!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol he sounds just like his cousin Jordan, with all the same qualities, hang in there mom he can only get older
