Monday, February 27, 2012

Beyond Tired

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you are in a fog…where you are so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open?  I know that we all have, but today I can hardly function.  The mix of a busy Sunday, getting to bed late, and also waking up several time throughout the night to pee has taken its toll on me.  All I want to do right now is to go home to an empty house and sleep in my comfy bed!  I know that it is a beautiful day outside, but I am simply too tired to enjoy it, and I never thought that I would say that!  I love the brisk sunny days of our region, but today, it might as well be raining out.

Even though I am exhausted, I will work all day, sit in traffic for 45 minutes to get home, make dinner, clean up, play with my son, and enjoy time with my husband because that is what needs to be done today.  It is amazing when I think back to the days before children and remember coming home from work so exhausted that I would just lay on the couch for the rest of the night because I couldn’t possibly do anything more… funny how you find the strength when you are a parent… that strength you didn’t know that you had until you are put to the test.  I find it so interesting how parents, no matter how tired, or stressed they are still find the strength to make it through the day.  People  are amazing, but when you become a parent, you discover a strength that you have never known, and these little ones make it all worth while!!

Happy Monday everyone... This little man seems to have enough energy for us all!!

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