Tuesday, February 21, 2012

*Blake the Hockey Star*

So, I guess you could say that it was inevitable that Blake would be such an enthusiastic hockey fan… We started this whole obsession by making his room a “sports star” themed room with blown up pictures of Kyle playing Hockey on the walls.  Then, I started taking Blake to Kyle’s hockey games when he was 3 months old, and he was holding a hockey stick as soon as he could walk.  Blake even has his first pair of skates and helmet, even though they are still too big, and he can’t start learning to skate until he is about 3.
Every day, he says “ Mama, can we watch the hockey movie?”  Me playing dumb says “which one” and he looks at me with his hockey stick in hand, and hockey helmet on backwards and says “Miracle, please”  We usually end up watching this movie 4 times a week… but oddly enough, he is not interested in any other type of TV, he just wants to watch the hockey game.  As the movie plays, and they are showing the team practices, he runs back and forth in the living room as he is also at hockey practice with them yelling GO GO GO SCORE… and we just can’t help but laugh at his imagination.  I caught him telling Lucy to lay in his goalie net, and I asked him what he was doing, and he said “Lucy play goalie Mama” Blake is lucky that she is such a good sport!
It doesn’t matter if we are playing Play-Doh (making hockey nets and pucks) or playing outside, Blake manages to turn everything into a hockey game.  He looks up to Kyle so much, and loves playing hockey with Daddy in the garage and he can’t wait for Kyle’s games on the weekends.  Grandma and Grandpa Rogers just started taking him to the Thunderbirds games, so I have a feeling that this passion of his won’t be changing direction any time soon, and I am excited that he is able to do something with Kyle that they both love so much. Every time he puts on Kyle’s Hockey gloves and jersey, I can’t help but think of that Subaru commercial where the mom is driving her 3 boys to their hockey games… I have a feeling that I will be that mom someday, except in a Ford J

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