Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Two Kids on Two different Schedules

This is turning out to be just as hard as I thought it would be... good thing that I never glamorized it!  Although, taking care of your children every day is extremely rewarding, and I am so thankful to be able to stay home and be with them, it also has an "adjustment period".  I am beginning to wonder if its always going to be an adjustment now because my kids are always changing?  I am not sure, but for right now, having two kids on two different schedules, I can honestly say that by the end of the day, I am so ready to fall asleep that I don't think that I hardly say goodnight to Kyle anymore.  Luke wakes up every 3 hours or so, and he is in our room in his bassinet so that I can get to him quickly because I am so worried that his cries will wake up Blake, and then it becomes a completely different situation.  All and all, this are going well, just exhausting, but every parent with a new child thinks that...its just the way it goes, but it is so fully that somehow god helps you to forget your exhaustion during this time when you decide to have another child HAHA...I hope writing it down helps me to not forget :)

Blake is getting better with Luke... he gives him kisses every night before bed, and he is there to "help" when I change Luke's diaper, or need to feed him.  He still asks me several times throughout the day to "put baby Luke down and hold me"  He never asked me to "hold him" before Luke was born, but I can understand why he wants me to hold him now that he sees that I hold Luke all the time.  I just tell Blake that I have two arms to hold the two most wonderful boys I know, and I have a lap for an extra special boy.  So I usually sit on the couch and watch Little Bear with Luke laying over my shoulder and Blake sitting in my lap... sometimes I even start to doze off!

Blake is wanting to help all the time now... On a side note...I started pumping instead of breast feeding because Luke was not drinking enough milk before he would fall asleep, so I was feeding every hour to make sure that he has enough food since he had a slight case of jaundice, and we needed to flush out his system.  I still nurse him sometimes at night if I need too... but most of the time he is bottle fed breast milk, and that way Daddy gets to help too :) Anyways, back to my point... Blake is such a BIG help, that he thinks that he can even pump milk for Luke... this will be one of those pictures that I hold back until his senior year, and then somehow slip it into the yearbook!!

1 comment:

  1. Jes, It DOES easier because eventually they get on more or less the same schedule, but not until Luke starts sleeping longer stretches at night. I was SO blessed that my kids were all good sleepers--all were sleeping 8-10 hours at night before they were 6 weeks old! God must have known I was a wimp and needed my sleep. And they all still took 2 hour naps until they went to kindergarten. But until they got their schedules synched, those were crazy, hectic days, and I wouldn't trade one of them for the world. Hang in there: This too shall pass. :/
