Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Mystery Ayaska SOOOOOONG

It is no secret that Blake is a fan of Hockey, so we usually watch Mystery Alaska 2-3 times a week.  Yes, I know, it has some inappropriate parts, and the language is pretty harsh at times, but it is a good hockey movie that doesn't have any fighting, and he knows when to cover his eyes :)

In that movie, they play the national anthem before the big game, and Blake will pause and stand at attention while the song is being sung, and low and behold, he has herd the song so many times that he has it memorized.  It is a song that has to be sung before nap time every day, and a song that he walks around and sings and has me sing before he plays his "hockey games".  We are one of the most patriotic houses that I have ever known haha.

So, I give you the National Anthem in the words of a 3 year old..

Oooh say can you seek
By da downs eary-e yight
What so PROUUUUDLY we hale
At da twiyights last gleaming
Whos bright stipes and bright STARS
Through da pearls fight
Or da rapids we waaaaa
Were so gayantley geaming

And the ockets red gare
Da bombs busting in da air
Gave poof um um um um um um
um um um um um um

Oh say does tha
Star sng a banner ya way
Or da lan of da FREEEEEEE
And da home - of da - BRAAAAAVE
I yuv da Mystery Ayaska Sooooong

I have it video taped, it is absolutely adorable, and I cant wait for us to be able to show it to him later on, or to show it to his wife someday :)

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