Today is a day that I tend to dread. Blake had his annual cardiologist appointment today, and it feels weird because we tend to forget that there was ever anything wrong with him. After Blake's open heart surgery to correct his pulmonary arteries, it is vital that he always see a cardiologist to make sure that everything is still working right. After the surgery, we saw his Dr. once a month, then once every three months, then pushed out to every 6 months, and finally out to yearly appointments. He will always see his cardiologist once a year for the rest of his life. I Think that I dread this day so much because I am always worried that I am going to get bad news, although, it never has been, and his Dr. is absolutely amazing, I am always a little nervous going into it. Blake has to sit still for a series of tests (can you say anxiety, HELLO, he is 2 1/2) and then we wait for the all clear from the Dr. Obayashi. the whole thing from start to end takes a little more then 2 hours, so there is quite a bit of planning that goes into this day, from nap schedules, to things to keep him entertained. (Suckers, Ipad, crayons, and yummy snacks) Kyle and I looked at each other today with amazement and just smiled... he was a poster child... perfect behavior, and we were shocked. All signs that our little man is growing up.

Obayashi, Derek Y., MD
- Specialties: Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatrics
- Certifications: American Board of Pediatrics
- Professional School: Chicago Medical School
- Internship: Children's Hospital Los Angeles
- Residency: Children's Hospital Los Angeles
- Fellowship: Stanford University
- Northwest Children's Heart Care
Anyways, on to the news... Blake is just fine...hoary!! The main concern has always been that his arteries are narrower then the average child's arteries his age because they were stretched in order to be placed in their correct positions (they were flip-flopped) but they are growing with him, and everything looks great. It is always been emphasized to us that he needs to lead a very healthy lifestyle. Since his arteries are more narrow then normal, he does run a small risk of needing stints when he gets older... talking like 50's or 60's... but who knows by then what technology will bring, and like I said, a very small risk. Blake is an excited, happy, and healthy child that runs 100 MPH 24/7. When you are a parent of a child with CHD, you know that the first sign that their heart isn't working correctly is lack of energy, shortness of breath and irritability, and you are always on the look out for these things. I have never been more thankful for a child that keeps me going all the time. His energy makes me thankful, and I feel blessed every day that we were sent on this journey with him. Our appreciation for life continues to grow and we will always be thankful for what we have been given. It was the hardest thing that we have ever gone through, but what strong parents we have become because of it, and what a fighter of a little boy we have.
I knew that Blake was born with some sort of heart problem, but I couldn't remember just what it was. Thanks for the update which cleared up my foggy memory. And while their apparently never-ending energy may wear us out, I agree that there is nothing better than an active, happy, healthy child. I too am thankful God for Blake's good check up.