Monday, April 2, 2012


This weekend was so exciting, we had absolutly NO PLANS...  Although, I love getting out and about during the weekends, I was excited to be able to stay home!  I have been itching to do some deep spring cleaning and organizing… Also, we still have a lot to do with the baby’s room.  My goal for this weekend… go through as much as I possibly can, get rid of anything extra and label…label… label!  I want to be so ridiculously organized before this little one comes along that I might just drive my husband crazy in the process, but a happy mama means a happy house!  Kyle is very organized too, in some ways, more so then me… he is very tidy, and doesn’t like to make a mess… for example, we do art projects when daddy isn’t home, and bake/decorate sugar cookies when he is working in the garage… those types of things tend to make him cringe, but I LOVE IT!  I love getting messy with Blake, but yes, you always have to clean up!

Goals Completed this Weekend:
Cleaned out my closet and nightstand
Dust the tops of the fridge, and under the stove
Hung new Kitchen light
Paint Mirror for Baby's room
Hung new blinds
Hung Blake's and Baby's drapes
Organize under the kitchen sink… somehow that always gets messy.
Kyle replace the garage door springs (broke last week)
Clean the garage
Lucy a bath
Yards mowed
ALL loads of aundry done/folded and put away


We even had a little time left over where we made some GAK...thank you Pinterest for the recipe, and we love playing on the swings when we have a break in the nasty weather!!

And for some reason, Lucy always does this after a bath, and it makes me mad every time!!


  1. LOL, my dog does the same thing! :) What is up with that? hehe. They must not like smelling clean! By the way, I love your dining room table!!
    And also, Blake is SO adorable! :)

  2. Thanks Stacy! We got the table and chairs at the Cannery, but in the scratch and dent section... couldnt find a scratch on it! Cant wait for you to take his pictures on the 15th... I havent had pictures taken since he was 13 months slacker alert over here!!
